Androidのプラットフォームへ プラットフォーム表示アイコン
Androidのプラットフォームへ Windowsのプラットフォームへ Macのプラットフォームへ
East-Tecの特集画像 East-Tecの特集画像
Concerned about your online privacy and data security? East-Tec has been providing powerful yet easy-to-use software to protect your digital life since 1997. With over 25 years of experience, we offer trusted solutions to erase your internet tracks, encrypt sensitive files, and securely dispose of old hard drives. Our award-winning products give you peace of mind in an increasingly digital world. Download our apps and take control of your privacy today.
East-Tec Eraserアイコン
8.7 k ダウンロード
East-Tec DiskSanitizer GOVアイコン
4.1 k ダウンロード
